Wednesday 24 July 2024


I am looking through a(n old) Muzik magazine and am shocked when I come to a 2 page spread, the beginning of their in-magazine comic strip section (that I know usually spoofs the more mindless aspects of the clubbing scene). The strip is rendered in a flat style, making use of several grey tones (and black and white contrasts) and is essentially a series of highly contrasted photos which are then treated digitally to achieve this effect-

The first panel shows a location in some on-street beer garden, the usual, recognisable tubular metal chairs and surrounding, separating banner upstands resplendent with promotional advertising. In the centre there is no mistaking that it is me (in spite of the face having been reduced down to a white nothing, only the eyebrows retained)-

On the facing page things are even more obvious as it is a photo of me that has been treated/toned to some respect to make up the panel. The speech bubble sees me spouting some nonsense about, “we'll go on 'trans' then after one how about over to 'trans' for another then maybe 'trans'...”, presumably intended to mock the pre-club routine. It is the next panel that causes me much consternation – my face is again a flat white nothing, only crude skull features have been superimposed on top while I drone on about getting, “drugged up and f**ked up...”-

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