Wednesday 17 July 2024


I am climbing up and over a huge organic sort of statue that has grown amidst a mighty sandstone columned construct. The statue's original form is a seated human body with a dog-like shaped head. Scaling this giant beast takes much time and care as it has grown (out from the original form?) a series of small branches and twigs, budding, yet to blossom. My timeous route takes me up and over by the head-

I am now at a The Stone Roses concert. I am in a small backstage-ish area formed of what seems to be an L-shaped tent. Ian Brown is puzzling patiently over a sort of squeeze-sack instrument that is lying on the ground. I understand it its melancholy sighing wheeze is crucial to the outro to a (presumably reworked version of the song) Fools Gold. The fact that Ian is unable to get much (amplified) noise from this bizarre instrument – it seems there's a tube out one end that you can put in your mouth – is quite apparent when I duck outside. Whatever crowd, sitting around in small groups on gentle, grassy hills, bathed in sunlight, there was is beginning to drift off, taking the lack of (audible) music as a sign the gig is over. However, back in the tent – which actually seems to be the stage? - Mani and Reni have taken to grooving out 'Rock The Casbah' by The Clash. They are both cavorting, posing with their guitars(?) in a circle, somehow playing immaculately while pulling off these exaggerated rockstar-pose theatrics-

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