Wednesday 22 May 2024


I have an exceptionally itchy anus and cannot stop rubbing and scratching at it through my clothes. I am then alarmed to find that the back of my stripey t-shirt is covered in many spots of excrement, from my bottom right on up to shoulders(!) - somehow any attempt to wash these out (by hand) proves fruitless as they sort of disappear beforehand – did I imagine them? - then reappear-

FOPP records is closing and somehow my own DVD collection has been mixed in with their stock. What can I do as one of the (male) staff sweeps great swathes of DVDs off the shelves and into a shopping basket. My only hope lies in the fact that my DVDs are not shrink-wrapped, making their identification somewhat easier. The immediate environment is huge, akin to a dated cinema foyer, small steps here and there in the flooring and a red patterned carpet with black plastic trimmings. Someone says it's such a shame (the imminent closure) as they were so close to a(n underground comic/zine) Khaki Shorts (themed) carpet – indeed, the FOPP DVDs are bound for the (carpet) supplier's company-

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