Wednesday 16 August 2023


I am in some sort of columned restaurant(?)/basement function area. The column nearest the entry point is silver, almost as if insulated and wrapped in tinfoil. I (somehow) discover that if you hug it, wrap your arms tightly around it, it passes a warm, soothing sensation through your body – like a rising, (not unpleasant) burning feeling from your stomach to the back of your throat. I am encouraging the other people present to try it – I am following and attempting to talk to a slender girl with a ponytail all clad in black-

Walking into the space it is a bottle shape in plan, the walls tapering in towards the entry point, columns dotted here and there, the basic tubular steel and timber furniture – akin to old school desks and chairs – arranged in between. At the far end of the room there's two flat television screens positioned in a V-shape, facing into the space. There is a Japanese animated film screening and I am very puzzled by it, taking it for My Neighbours The Yamadas but realising, due to the traditional animation style and character designs, that it is not. It appears to be something (I'm not familiar with) called It Titto Tutt(?). Thinking to check a (handy) TV Guide I find that all the text is in Japanese, being very dense with the occasional illustration. 131?161?-

I notice the warm silver clad column has changed shape, becoming thicker around the bottom half so that it too resembles a bottle shape-

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