Wednesday 19 June 2024


The band Acetone are on Swedish or Norwegian television. We're late. I'm sitting with the three members. Ritchie Lee, with close cropped hair, sits opposite me with drummer Steve Hadley to my left and guitarist Mark Lightcap to my right. The two of them stare directly into my face, looming large and framing the face of the silent Ritchie. They offer me a bong and ask, "are you with us or not?" It is clearly three against one so I partake, sucking on the bong as Steve and Mark blow rings of dope smoke towards me. Ritchie does not take part so I remember thinking, it's three against one in that sense too-

The BBC are are showing an alt-country television special shot in a tiny studio. They screen some very short footage of Acetone (but then, thankfully!) follow it with an epic show, two sets of material from the York Blvd. album that I luckily managed to scramble and tape/record off the tv. They play 'Things Are Gonna Be Alright' and it is chaotic - Steve plays a l/handed guitar(?) while Mark plays piano (or drums?). The pair of them stand very close together, joshing one another, their two arms interlocked, the song/riff collapsing in a (dopey) cacophony. They stop and do a cover version-

Acetone - Things Are Gonna Be Alright (Demo)

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