Wednesday 3 May 2023


I am at an exhibition. A small, neat man with glasses travels from left to right, crossing the room, passing several freestanding square display cases. He looks at me over the top of his glasses and remarks, Ron Embleton, oh yes!” I am thinking Ron is 84(?) and that I have just cut his pages from my 1954 BEANO annual (with Dennis and Gnasher on the cover)-

I am with my friend Tee Cee, two young British Asian boys (aged 8-ish) and two teenage boys (who I know are drummers). We are taking a Virgin branded helicopter down to Birmingham, a 2 hour trip, to visit Ron Embleton. The helicopter takes off along the street. I am belted in as it is my first time ever riding in a helicopter. The POV is from behind the pilot looking straight ahead. I am surprised how low we are flying, that the rotor blades are not clipping the trees to the side or snagging telephone wires and so on. It makes for a tense journey. The helicopter is very spacious inside and there is a polite hostess, who is very much like Kenny Everett's sidekick Cleo Rocos. It's very much like an old fashioned, classic hotel with ornately (and somewhat garish) carpets and stylish timber furniture. Is fellow cartoonist Kay Ess here too? The hostess lies (clothed!) on a large bed. All of us sit around and chat-

We arrive and land in Birmingham and walk to Ron's house. The two drummers, after some deliberation, decide to come along as there's enough time before their rehearsal/gig. (The dreamescapeRon is old and balding (and quite stoned!). He takes something of a shine to me and often addresses me direct (with something of a knowing tone). At one point he says to me, in mock confidentiality, that Tee has never met a drug addict before... before quickly quipping that it's just the neighbours-

Everything Ron says is quite funny and good-natured but also something of an in-joke with his (present) daughter. At one point he tumbles about on the couch, rolling onto the floor, having bags of fun. Kay Ess starts to doze and – oh no! - there's a giant Allan Key suspended above his head! The living room we are in ajoins the kitchen and the rest of Ron's family, who all seem to be sleepy blondes with dazed, slightly amused expressions sit there. Wife? My phone clock displays '13:30' but it's actually '16:30'... but it's actually '18:00' on the dot! Time to go home. Ron gives Tee Cee a painting before we leave-

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