Wednesday 9 October 2024


My friends Ayy and Gee Ess are having a joint (and impressive) art/architecture exhibition. The abstract designs and concepts are almost like feathery coloured pencil drawings blown up impossibly large, gently sweeping and curved linework quite unlike anything I expected to or have seen either of them do prior-

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Somehow my young son (20 months old) has managed to get uncooked rice grains in his right eye. They are trapped, jammed up under his top and bottom lid as well as clustered around his tear duct/puncta. He is quite (understandably) distressed as I struggle (to keep calm) to wash out/remove the rice-

Wednesday 18 September 2024


I am in a dimly lit (living?) space with (Tom Baker's fourth) Doctor Who (and possibly his assistant Sarah Jane Smith). The curtains are drawn and we take delivery of three Amazon parcels. I assume the contents of these are to help with whatever it is The Doctor is holed up here to muse over but... the first box, that has sort of opening flaps, contains three pint glasses, each of which is set into a frozen circular base. Tom/The Doctor proceeds to pour us a cider each before adding (different) ice. This, he states, ought to help us all think-

Wednesday 4 September 2024


Tracy Crost's black Heroin diary-

Patricia Crost's black Heroin diary-

Wednesday 28 August 2024


I am at an Orb concert. It seems they have not turned up or have cancelled at the last minute. Instead we listen to the full 39:09 of their 'Blue Room' single (which admittedly makes for a satisfying enough gig)-

Afterwards and I am racing to catch a bus that will take me to a/the railway station. I just make it and am the last person on board. As I catch my breath I realise the tubular metal handhold I'm gripping just might have a tiny smear of dogsh*t on it (and so therefore might my hand). The two lads who caught the bus only moments before me take an interest and, on closer inspection, they look to have sh*t on their trousers too-

It transpires the bus is going to Beith railway station – I try to work out if that's any good a destination for me – and it arrives in good time-

Unfortunately the driver, a goofy, shuffling, grinning 'dude', has used the Satnav on his phone to take us to OLD Beith railway Station. It is an impressive, imposing Grecian-style ruin, the ancient tracks still visible amidst the great crumbling construct-

The two lads from the bus and I approach a bunch of bored teenagers, all affected attitude and Goth stylings, to ask the route to the new station – it sems the driver('s phone) has failed us and we're on our own. One girl with frizzy blonde hair is willing enough to break the solemn mould to chat while another simply sneers that the station for the “stay-at-homes” is simply over there-

The Orb - Blue Room