I am in a vast, cavernous vessel, acutely aware that where I am standing is under the waterline. Great tunnels (for want of a better word) intersect, the walls all finished with tiles – they are a mix of white and another primary colour to help identify the route. Suddenly water is spilling into my environment and I rush around frantically in the hope of escaping the onrushing flood. I cannot however, and I stop dead (in every sense), preparing to be sandwiched between the twin deluges-
Under the water and struggling for breath I step outside of the dreamescape and watch James Bond (as played by Daniel Craig) and Valkyrie (from Thor as played by Tessa Thompson) swim up and then away. They are naked, their bodies entwined in a curiously coy but sexual manner, attempting to shield each other's genitals and yet subtly exposing themselves at the same time-

I am then sitting at a long table immediately facing the comedian Frankie Boyle, the comic artist Frank Quitely (and a baby?). I start to tell Frankie that I had a dream about him and he seems to be quite interested. I am suddenly interrupted by a rousing chant of "Stuart! Stuart!" I'm not really clued in to what is going on and neither am I that interested, being more concerned about what the neighbours will think of all the noise and whether they'll be disturbed. I turn to see a row of giant individual eyes inset into a brown wall, with people sitting in silhouette approximately in the space between each one. Are these great eyes the so-called Stuart? Does the crying baby punch a huge eye?-